Pure Raw Sea Moss

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Sea Moss Infused Juices

Healthy juices tropical paradise



Fresh Juices


Sea Moss

Healthy tropical paradise


Janet W.

I went in for an in office procedure and ended up on life support for eight days as both my lungs 🫁 got punctured because I woke up before doctor was finished from anesthesia… after hospitalization both feet 👣 🦶 was swollen and remained swollen even with extensive treatments … I was desperate to try anything as the swelling continues even alternate medicines … hence deciding to do the detoxing…. after detoxing my foot-swelling immediately went away … I stop talking the medication given (water pills) and saw the doctor last week 9/15 who was pleased with my progress and advised me to continue taking the meds as they were working… thanking God for directing me to the Detox cleaning… as my swelling is gone and I’m feeling great 🙏🏽 … to God be the glory 💃🏽 and the Sea-Moss Detoxing 🙏🏽 … thanks Rob Shepherd Fit🙏🏽

Yvette W.

Not only are Shepherd Fit juices delicious for you with the added sea moss, ginger, and turmeric that he regularly uses, but they’re delivered quickly and professionally after each order! He is my go to for juices and I recommend him to you as well!

Derwin G.

I had an opportunity to purchase juice from Shepherd Fit. I also got the Sea Moss, which really helped my digestive system. This gave me more energy for my workouts and helped me to sleep better.


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